Richard Kretz – The Unified Field and The Philosophers’ Stone
August 06, 2023
Richard Kretz discusses his book The Alchemical Search for the Unified Field – Pythagorean, Hermetic, and Shamanic Journeys into Invisible...
Carl Abrahamsson – Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture
February 11, 2023
Carl Abrahamsson discusses his book Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture. (Stream / download audio at bottom of...
David Elkington – The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine
July 25, 2021
David Elkington discusses his book The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine. (Stream / download...
COVID 19: The Death of Live Music?
November 08, 2020
Music has been most of my life. For decades I have been – among other things – a professional musician...
Christopher Bache – LSD and the Mind of the Universe
July 04, 2020
Christopher Bache discusses his book 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe - Diamonds From Heaven'. In 1979, Bache took...
Paul Levy – Coronavirus Crisis: Transformation Through Trauma
May 28, 2020
Paul Levy discusses the 2020 Coronavirus Crisis and the deeper psychological and spiritual origins of the virus. For almost twenty...
Thomas Sheridan – Spectral Sounds: Hauntology and Music
February 22, 2020
Thomas Sheridan and Greg Moffitt discuss hauntology and music. In his book 'Ghosts of My Life', Mark Fisher defined hauntology...
Graham Phillips – Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge: Part Two
June 12, 2019
Graham Phillips discusses his book 'Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge - The Living Libraries and Healers of Megalithic Culture'. Stonehenge is just...
Graham Phillips – Wisdomkeepers of Stonehenge: Part One
June 06, 2019
Mike Clelland – Owls, Synchronicity and UFOs
April 12, 2019
Mike Clelland discusses his book 'The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abductee'. One of the most original books ever...