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Tag: peak oil

James Howard Kunstler – Too Much Magic

August 23, 2014

James Howard Kunstler discusses some of the issues raised in his books The Long Emergency (2005) and Too Much Magic...


John Michael Greer – Decline and Fall

July 11, 2014

John Michael Greer discusses his book Decline and Fall: The End of Empire and the Future of Democracy in 21st...


Giles Slade – American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival

May 21, 2014

Giles Slade discusses his book American Exodus - Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival. Some scientists predict the...


Dada Maheshvarananda – After Capitalism: Economic Democracy in Action

January 30, 2014

Dada Maheshvarananda discusses his book After Capitalism: Economic Democracy in Action. A grassroots movement for economic democracy based on cooperatives...


Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Weather Warfare and Mind Control

January 13, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom discusses geo-engineering, weather manipulation and related topics. Man has been changing Earth's environment to suit his own...


John Michael Greer – Green Wizardry

January 01, 2014

John Michael Greer discusses his latest book Green Wizardry. The Earth is changing. Global crises and collapse threaten economies, energy...


Guy McPherson – Earth Extinction 2030

November 15, 2013

Guy McPherson discusses his latest book Going Dark. We are the last individuals of our species on Earth. How shall...


Philip Coggan – Money, Debt and the New World Order

September 20, 2013

Philip Coggan discusses his book Money, Debt and the New World Order. In today's financial climate, we are all, naturally,...


Brian Czech – The End of Economic Growth

August 23, 2013

Brian Czech discusses his new book Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Crossroads and the Steady State Solution. Politicians, economists...


Adam Taggart – Living With Purpose

July 21, 2013

Unfulfilled by your job? Wish that the work you do on a daily basis was more aligned with the person...
