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Tag: virtual reality

Anthony Peake – Opening the Doors of Perception

November 16, 2016

Anthony Peake discusses his book Opening the Doors of Perception - The Key to Cosmic Awareness. Considering the irreducible complexity...


Grafton Tanner – Culture, Capitalism, and Digital Disease: Part Two

June 24, 2016

Grafton Tanner discusses his book Babbling Corpse - Vaporwave and the Commodification of Ghosts. The age of global capitalism promised...


Tom Campbell – Life, the Universe and Everything: Part Five

November 06, 2015

As well as continuing the themes from the first four parts, in this episode we consider human nature, our collective...


Tom Campbell – Life, the Universe and Everything: Part Four

October 16, 2015

As well as continuing the themes from the first three parts, in this episode we explore Tom's pioneering research at...


Tom Campbell – Life, the Universe and Everything: Part Three

October 12, 2015

As well as continuing the themes from the first two parts, in this episode we contemplate the vastness of space...
