Rory Mac Sweeney – Awaken in the Dream
January 01, 2016
Dr. Rory Mac Sweeney discusses some of the ideas in his book The Paradox of Lucid Dreaming - A Metaphysical...
Jay Dyer – Magic, Mass Media and the Mind Control Matrix
November 21, 2015
We live in a world of illusion, a realm of the unreal. The primal impulses and drives so central to...
Tom Campbell – Life, the Universe and Everything: Part Five
November 06, 2015
As well as continuing the themes from the first four parts, in this episode we consider human nature, our collective...
Tom Campbell – Life, the Universe and Everything: Part Two
August 21, 2015
In this episode we delve into unseen realms, the nature of existence, the origin of the Universe, and that which...
Tom Campbell – Life, the Universe and Everything: Part One
July 28, 2015
Tom Campbell discusses his book My Big TOE. The trilogy is about life, purpose, personal significance, physics, evolution, and the...
Philip Comella – The Collapse of Materialism
June 27, 2015
Philip Comella discusses his book The Collapse of Materialism - Visions of Science, Dreams of God. Can human consciousness be...