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Tag: renewable energy

Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Political, Economic and Social Agendas of Climate Change

January 14, 2013

Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the political, economic and social agendas surrounding the issue of climate change. The World is clearly...


Shaun Chamberlin – Energy, Environment and the Shift to Sustainability

November 24, 2012

Shaun Chamberlin on the Transition Network and the shift to a sustainable society in response to Global environmental and energy...


David Goodstein – The End of the Age of Oil

November 04, 2012

David Goodstein offers a stark assessment of the scientific, political, economic and social aspects of the looming global energy crisis...


Active Hope – How to Face the Mess We’re in Without Going Crazy

September 20, 2012

Chris Johnstone on his book Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy. Co-authored with Joanna...


Keith Farnish – Time’s Up! An Uncivilized Solution to a Global Crisis

September 12, 2012

Following recent interviews with Joseph Tainter and John Michael Greer, the third instalment of our mini-series investigating the inevitable collapse...


John Michael Greer – The Ecotechnic Future

August 19, 2012

John Michael Greer on the future of a World without oil. In response to the coming impact of peak oil,...


Joseph Tainter – The Energy Crisis and the End of The Industrial Age

August 07, 2012

The Energy Crisis and the end of The Industrial Age with Dr Joseph Tainter of Utah State University. Dr Tainter...


The Fukushima Cover Up and the Nuclear Nightmare

June 20, 2012

James Corbett on the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011 and the ongoing cover ups surrounding almost...
