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Tag: Gary Evans

Gary Evans – Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Age: Part Two

September 12, 2015

Gary Evans discusses the process of personal awakening. Although much used in the media today, the term 'awakening' can mean...


Gary Evans – Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Age: Part One

September 06, 2015

Gary Evans discusses the process of personal awakening. Although much used in the media today, the term 'awakening' can mean...


Courtney Brown – The Mystery of the Great Pyramid Solved

April 12, 2014

Courtney Brown of The Farsight Institute discusses his latest documentary The Great Pyramid of Giza - The Mystery Solved, a...


Gary Evans – Listening to the Past

March 11, 2014

Many ancient sites such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Stonehenge in England appear to have unusual acoustic properties...
