Founder of Thinking Allowed and New Thinking Allowed Jeffrey Mishlove discusses his broadcasting career and some of the greatest mysteries and wonders of life and the Universe.
(Stream / download audio at bottom of page)
Jeff’s original Thinking Allowed TV series, which began back in the 1980s, was a great inspiration for my own career in alternative media, so I was delighted when he agreed to appear on Legalise Freedom. Issues addressed include changes in the media world from the 1970s to today, the evolution of humanity, the existence of evil, the true nature of reality, altered states of consciousness and the origin of consciousness itself, the crumbling materialist scientific paradigm and what might take its place, and the very future of our species.
New Thinking Allowed Foundation
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Nice Greg! Jeff is a real treasure!
Thanks! He is.
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