Shaun Chamberlin – Surviving the Future
December 05, 2016
Shaun Chamberlin discusses Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy, a recently-published companion...
Joel Caris – Into the Ruins: Our De-Industrial Destiny
September 25, 2016
Joel Caris discusses his new quarterly magazine Into The Ruins, and the doubtful future of industrial society. Modern industrial civilization...
Frank Landis – Hot Earth Dreams: Will Humans Survive?
January 25, 2016
Frank Landis gives his first ever interview about his book 'Hot Earth Dreams: What if Severe Climate Change Happens, and...
Richard Heinberg – Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels
May 02, 2015
Richard Heinberg discusses his latest book Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels. Climate change, along with the depletion of oil, coal,...
John Michael Greer – After Progress
April 17, 2015
John Michael Greer discusses his latest book After Progress: Reason and Religion at the End of the Industrial Age. Progress...
David Fridley – Green Dreams: Future or Fantasy?
November 21, 2014
David Fridley of the Post Carbon Institute discusses renewable energy technology and the future of industrial civilization. In the face...
James Howard Kunstler – Too Much Magic
August 23, 2014
James Howard Kunstler discusses some of the issues raised in his books The Long Emergency (2005) and Too Much Magic...
Giles Slade – American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival
May 21, 2014
Giles Slade discusses his book American Exodus - Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival. Some scientists predict the...
Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Weather Warfare and Mind Control
January 13, 2014
Dr. Eric Karlstrom discusses geo-engineering, weather manipulation and related topics. Man has been changing Earth's environment to suit his own...
John Michael Greer – Green Wizardry
January 01, 2014
John Michael Greer discusses his latest book Green Wizardry. The Earth is changing. Global crises and collapse threaten economies, energy...