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Tag: quantum physics

Kingsley Dennis – Unified: Cosmos, Life, Purpose

September 25, 2021

Kingsley Dennis discusses his book Unified – Cosmos, Life, Purpose: Communicating with the Unified Source Field & How This Can...


John Michael Greer – Spirituality in an Age of Decline

August 30, 2021

John Michael Greer discusses spirituality in an age of decline. (Stream / download audio at bottom of page) If you...


Doug Matzke – Deep Reality: Source Science and The Key to Human Potential

July 11, 2021

Doug Matzke discusses his book Deep Reality: Why Source Science May Be the Key to Understanding Human Potential. (Stream /...


In Conversation with Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko

November 27, 2020

Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris and Greg Moffitt compare notes on consciousness, conspiracies, and the triad of science, religion, and philosophy...


Justin S. Grant – Secrets of Personal, Professional, & Planetary Evolution Part One

November 08, 2020

Justin Grant discusses his book Business & Spirituality ~ Secrets of Personal, Professional, & Planetary Evolution. (Stream / download audio...


Royce Christyn – The Science and Psychology of Positive Thinking

June 28, 2020

Royce Christyn discusses how a deeper understanding of science and psychology can aid positive thinking and manifesting practices. Christyn's new...


Paul Levy – Coronavirus Crisis: Transformation Through Trauma

May 28, 2020

Paul Levy discusses the 2020 Coronavirus Crisis and the deeper psychological and spiritual origins of the virus. For almost twenty...


Anthony Peake – The Hidden Universe of Non-Human Intelligences

February 29, 2020

Anthony Peake discusses his book 'The Hidden Universe - An Investigation Into Non-Human Intelligences'. Since our very beginnings, human beings...


Jasun Horsley – Stormers of Heaven: Enlightenment or Oblivion?

November 09, 2019

Part two with Jasun Horsley discussing his book 'Prisoner of Infinity - UFOs, Social Engineering, and the Psychology of Fragmentation'....


Mitch Horowitz – How Thoughts Become Reality

September 28, 2019

Mitch Horowitz discusses his book 'The Miracle Club - How Thoughts Become Reality'. Following in the footsteps of a little-known...
