
Tag: eugenics

Doug Lain – Can Human Beings Live Forever?

February 21, 2017

Douglas Lain discusses Advocate for an Indefinite Human Lifespan, a new Zero Books title exploring the life extension techniques and...


Aaron Franz – History of a Time to Come: Transhumanism and Popular Culture – Part Two

January 30, 2015

In a follow-up to our previous interview Transhumanism: Man's Scientific Rise to Godhood, Aaron Franz returns to discuss transhumanism and...


Aaron Franz – History of a Time to Come: Transhumanism and Popular Culture – Part One

January 22, 2015

In a follow-up to our previous interview Transhumanism: Man's Scientific Rise to Godhood, Aaron Franz returns to discuss transhumanism and...


Aaron Franz – Transhumanism: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood

January 10, 2015

Aaron Franz discusses his book Revolve: Man's Scientific Rise to Godhood. Artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, implantable chips, and life extension. These...
