Neil McDonald discusses his latest book In Search of Ancient Wisdom
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Across the ages, myths and legends tell of secret knowledge hidden from the mass of humanity and guarded by shadowy organizations and mystery cults dedicated to its preservation and use for their own nefarious purposes. Although the origins of this knowledge – sometimes referred to as The Perrenial Wisdom – are lost to the mists of time, at certain pivotal points in history evidence for its existence emerges, even if its true nature remains obscured. The legends of Atlantis, King Solomon, The Knights Templar, The Holy Grail, and Rennes-le-Château all point toward secret paths to immense wealth and power.
In the modern era, the elite echelons of the Nazi SS also tried to turn non-material forces to their advantage until their apparent defeat. But was it simply the German people who lost the war while the Nazi occult network went underground? In this wide-ranging discussion we probe the anatomy of The Perennial Wisdom and Western Mystery Tradition, revealing powers innate to humanity but accessible only by the most dedicated and determined.
Previous interviews with Neil McDonald
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
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