Jim Elvidge discusses his book The Universe – Solved! A New Provocative View of the True Nature of Reality.
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Have you ever felt that there is something strange about the world we live in? Something about reality that isn’t quite random, as it should be? Something a little too organized, a little too planned, a little too programmed? What if reality isn’t really what you think it is? What if our world is just like one big video game? According to Elvidge, it’s actually not as far-fetched as it seems. Within 30 years, he maintains that we will be able to create virtual environments indistinguishable from our current reality. Within a few more decades, even physical realities will be manufactured. He also believes that we are marching toward an inevitable merge with machines and artificial intelligence. What’s more, we may even have already reached that point and it’s simply impossible to tell.
An expert in complex computational systems with over 20 years of research in cosmology, quantum mechanics, philosophy, and futurism, Elvidge presents a theory of reality so perfect and so powerful that it explains all known scientific and cultural anomalies. Why is the universe so perfectly designed to support life and matter? Why does life feel like it is accelerating? Why do people see UFOs? Is there life after death? The evidence is actually all around us, within us, and present in every decision we make.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Ian Boddy ‘The Uncertainty Principle’
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