We live in a world of illusion, a realm of the unreal. The primal impulses and drives so central to our being – for meaning, purpose, oneness, and love – are diminished and driven out amid the avalanche of disinformation, duplicity and deceit under which we labour, day in, day out. Our culture has become corrupted, our instincts corroded, and the very idea of truth lost in a sea of lies. Many among us think that it has always been so; still others see a species simply gone astray, forlornly searching once more for the way from which we wandered on some fateful day.
And yet within this matrix of manipulation, we can discover patterns of programming, many of which, while having ancient origins, point to a very modern purpose. An agenda whose endgame is encoded in the symbols and signs that surround us is being expertly executed moment by moment, moving humanity, the Earth itself, and maybe much, much more than that towards a goal impossibly vast. Wading into the world of conspiracy theories, the swamp of secret societies, and a great deal more, we explore intriguing ideas and wild speculation alike, and along the way uncover a decidedly dark and disturbing picture.
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
John Carpenter ‘Dark Star OST’
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