James Tunney and Greg Moffitt in conversation. This is a two part interview. Part one is here
(Stream / download audio at bottom of page)
In the latest in a series of dialogues, we ask what steps might be taken to resist the rise of AI and the technocratic takeover of our lives. Spiraling complexity, exponential energy use, and complete dependence on the Grid are the system’s Achilles heel, and the source of its power and control can potentially be turned against it. Human creativity and spontaneity are powerful weapons in resisting the machine mind, which is why they are being targeted for elimination. The numbers of those being sucked into the system and those seeking to escape it are both increasing, but the advantage still lies with the techno-totalitarians. The comfort of the velvet-lined cage may yet numb humans into accepting their annihilation, should they awaken too late to their true potential.
Other interviews with James Tunney
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Tangerine Dream ‘The Soldier OST’
I think Number 6 in The Prisoner has much to offer by way of tactics. In particular the episode ‘Hammer into Anvil.’ … Be Seeing You!
Absolutely! I’ll check that episode out again in the light of this.
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