Dmitry Orlov discusses the danger and opportunity of the 2020 Coronavirus crisis.
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”’There is a lot happening in the world all at once right now. The entire planet is rapidly reconfiguring itself. The world is begging for a new post-capitalist, post-industrial order to be born…’ – a quote from Orlov’s latest book The Meat Generation, published before the current crisis kicked off. The large scale, hierarchically-organised, and centrally controlled systems in energy, industry, transport, health, banking, politics – and more – upon which our modern societies depend, have once again proven dangerously unstable and inadequate when faced with serious challenges.
In the case of the current coronavirus meltdown, the real crisis has been the fear, panic, and craven capitulation with which so many have blindly reacted. Theories and speculation abound as to where all of this is taking us and just what a post-coronavirus future may hold. Based on events thus far, however, the wholesale compromise and loss of freedoms of speech, association, assembly, and travel, and the right to choose in health care, appears entirely possible. Whatever happens, a comprehensive return to ‘business as usual’ seems highly unlikely. The planet is indeed being reconfigured, in ways that are only just beginning to make themselves known.
Previous interview with Dmitry Orlov: Shrinking the Technosphere
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Stanislav Shevchenko ‘Contemplation of Lost’
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