Colin E. Davis discusses his book Transforming Darkness – A Shadow Work Toolkit for the Red Pilled Initiate
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The red-pilled individual is well aware of the parasitic side of civilization known as the Matrix or the Deep State. But what few yet understand is that the darkness we see growing ‘out there’ is the direct result of the unattended darkness that dwells within each and all of us ‘in here’. This is the domain Carl Jung called the Shadow, and it is a major key to healing ourselves and our world if we are brave enough to confront and work with it. The author believes that if even a minority of humans awaken to this reality, great evolutionary progress will result. The book maps out the human shadow with multiple models and describes a plethora of shadow work practices and techniques for navigating the turbulent times ahead.
Other interviews with Colin E. Davis
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Christina Vantzou ‘No 3’
This was exceptional.
Thanks! Very valuable material in Colin’s book.
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