Claire Rae Randall discusses her book The War on Gender: Postmodernism and Trans Identity
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Transgender rights have recently come to the fore as a social issue and yet there are many who feel that this is being pushed too far and too fast. Claire Rae Randall is a transsexual woman who transitioned in the 1980s and is deeply concerned about this precipitous rate of change. Can it have a happy ending? The War on Gender examines the progress of trans from a personal perspective, which has seen it come from being a marginal issue to one that is now having a disproportionate influence on social values.
Including material on the neuro-development of gender, medical, legal, and ethical issues, metaphysical analysis, and critique of the postmodernist deconstruction of gender, this book challenges the viral transformation that transgender ideology has already wrought upon Western society.
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Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
About the use of pronouns; I feel there’s a thing that changed since social media appeared from the time I was a young person. In alternative circles, people used to dislike being ¨put in boxes¨ or be categorized. Today people seem to gravitate towards fitting into a category or having labels. I’ve seen people in dating web sites advertising ¨I’m a NTG personality type¨ or whatever and it was a category I saw used in a business context once in order to know how to handle types of customers.
Wokism has lots of parallels with corporatism
About the political aspect; Call me a conspiracy theorist (cuz I am) but it seems trans gendered issues have been weaponized for purposes serving some agendas. It’s after occupy wall street that the gender issue became the only thing the left was about, not class warfare or about economics and labor. Now we have antifa fighting with feminists while they should be allied. Divide and conquer.
What a fabulous conversation! Really looking forward to the next one.
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