Claire Rae Randall and Greg Moffitt in conversation.
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An increasingly common theme in popular science is the idea that our thoughts create reality, or that they at least interact with the physical world in some way. This trend has also been mirrored in some sections of popular culture. In fact, pop culture characterisations of mysterious mental powers long pre-date the current scientific interest in how mind might affect matter. Taken together with the theory that mind – not matter – is fundamental and that physical reality itself actually exists within some vast non-material cosmic consciousness, the entire Universe and everything in it begins to look like one infinite and unimaginably complex thought process.
Cutting edge science increasingly lends credence to this and similar ideas which apply at each level of reality, from personal to planetary to galactic and beyond. What’s more the process appears creative, and imbued with meaning and purpose, even if mainstream scientific materialism continues to refute any such possibility. But if you discovered that you are a cell in the organising intelligence which underlies everything, what would change?
Previous interviews with Claire Rae Randall
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
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