Farsight Institute director Courtney Brown discusses their latest remote viewing project The JFK Assassination. This is a two part interview. Part one is here.
Part one probes the identity of the shooters, while part two examines who or what was behind the plot, and their possible motivation.
The assassination of US president John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963 remains one of the most controversial events in world history. The official story – that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman acting alone – has been hotly disputed almost from the start. Indeed, along with the Apollo moon missions and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the JFK assassination has been the popular subject of numerous so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ as everyone from serious researchers to outright cranks formulate their own version of the fateful day’s events.
Having previously used their skills to probe deeper into mysteries such as the existence of extraterrestrial life, the legendary island of Atlantis, and the aforementioned 9/11 attacks, Farsight’s remote viewers now turn their attention to JFK’s violent demise. Even a cursory review of that deadly day in Dallas reveals an official narrative shot through with gaping holes. Reaching beyond the bounds of time and space, the remote viewing data reveals chilling new details of a murder that lives on in infamy.
Previous interviews with Courtney Brown:
Remote Viewing, Consciousness and Reality
Atlantis: The True Story
The Mystery of the Great Pyramid Solved
9/11: What Really Happened?
Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars
Aliens on Iapetus
The Phoenix Lights
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
John Carpenter ‘Escape From New York’ OST
Tangerine Dream ‘Remote Viewing’
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