Andy Duncan on the myths and mysteries of modern money. (Click below to listen)
Austerity, bailouts, base rates, interest rates, LIBOR rates, deficit, default, derivatives, inflation, deflation, stagflation, negative equity, negative growth, quantitative easing, stimulus – just what on earth does it all mean? Does mainstream media coverage of finance and economics leave you bored, bamboozled, apathetic or even angry? Can’t bear to hear any more bull about bulls and bears?
Anonymous think tanks, faceless foundations and previously unheard of institutes; where do they all come from, why do we need them and, more importantly, who pays for them? In an age when we’re told that we can’t afford enough nurses and teachers, just how can we afford so many economists?
What if the myth and mystery of money is nothing more than the black magic of a modern day Wizard of Oz? What if everything you thought you knew about money is a lie?
Andy runs www.thegodthatfailed.org and hosts podcasts at www.goldmoney.com
Related interviews:
Douglas Carswell MP
Ross Ashcroft
Alasdair Macleod
Andy Duncan
Free e-books:
Murray Rothbard – What Has the Government Done To Our Money?
Murray Rothbard – The Mystery of Banking
Recommended documentaries about the true nature of money:
The Money Masters
The Secret of Oz
Four Horsemen
Maxed Out
In Debt We Trust
The Ascent of Money
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Jean Michel Jarre ‘Equinoxe’
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