Home>Shows>Carl Abrahamsson – The Re-Enchantment of Reality: Magic, Materialism and The Future Human

Carl Abrahamsson – The Re-Enchantment of Reality: Magic, Materialism and The Future Human

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Carl Abrahamsson and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

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In the early 21st Century something fascinating is occurring. Despite the dominance of post-modern materialism, esoteric and occult ideas are re-emerging in society. From philosophy to popular culture, metaphysics and magic are slowly reasserting themselves. Reality is once again up for grabs. Dreams of high-tech transhumanist utopias may turn out to be just that – dreams – and certainly not deliver the transcendence humans have traditionally sought through spiritual practice. Instead, we are witnessing the re-discovery and rekindling of wisdom whose time has come. This wisdom must be preserved and propagated if humanity is to survive in a world spinning out of control.

Carl’s latest book is Inbetween the Lines: Essays on Occulture, Magic, and Seductive Zombie Strippers

Previous interviews with Carl Abrahamsson

Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

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  1. Nadim Mahi-Bahi says:

    I just realized something interesting while listening to the interview.
    Most podcasts I listen to will often be about resisting the trans-human, materialistic, de-enchanting oppressing system we live under.
    If I listen to people who comes from, lets say, a counter cultural/magickal/ lefty prespective from the 60’s /70’s / 80’s, the guilty are the religious and corporate overlords. While the occult secret societies have the ideas and concepts we can use to escape the oppressing powers of the ones controlling us.
    Ironically if I listen to podcasts geared towards bigger audiences who are more mainstream, conservatives and somewhat religious, all those same themes of transhumanism, de-humanizing, and that society is riddled with injustice are still being denounced but blamed on those same secret society and occult philosophies. To them the solution is going back to a more traditional way of living which is the source of what the other perspective is blaming our misery.
    For exemple, a lot of Muslim communities are going against the trans/gender modifying movement, but from a religious traditional perspective.
    Or the fact that the ones resisting a wider war with Russia are mostly coming from a conservative crowd who see Russia fighting against the ¨degenerate¨ influence of the west. While the old lefty and progressive are playing with fire itching for WW3.
    Or when synchro-mystics are seeing a Babalon ritual during the superbowl performed by Katy Perry.
    Or when I hear why Hollywood is run by cia commie-satanists using Crowley influenced black juju to enslaveus all.
    We all know what’s wrong. But one perspective’s solution to the problem is the other perspective reason for the problem.
    Strange times.

    1. Albert Woods says:

      I follow the work of, among others, an Orthodox Christian and a Luciferian witch, and find great value in both. We occulty types tend to get rather hung up on symbols, but maybe it doesn’t matter all that much in the end so long as it guides you towards truth and balance.

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