Home>Shows>Steve Taylor – Time to Accept That Time is an Illusion

Steve Taylor – Time to Accept That Time is an Illusion

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Steve Taylor discusses his book Time Expansion Experiences: The Psychology of Time Perception and the Illusion of Linear Time

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Although we often encounter the phrase ‘time is just an illusion’, everything about our subjective inner experience seems to suggest otherwise. The outer world too seems to conform to the same patterns, the flow of events and the apparently inescapable path from past to present and future. From the repetitive activities of our everyday lives to the vast cycles of life and death, of nature and the cosmos, all seems tethered to the tyranny of time. But what if time itself is merely a human construct, a way of trying to make sense of what is apparently happening?

What if all that exists is in fact an eternal ‘Now’ from which everything that is, ever has been, and ever will be, arises? Millennia of indigenous cosmologies, spiritual traditions, and now cutting edge science strongly suggest that mind, not matter, is fundamental. Time, and even space, would therefore lose their place as defining dimensions of reality, replaced by an infinite mindfield in which all possibilities are present and from which the events of our limited five-sense, three-dimensional perception appear and disappear. But if the past still exists and the future is already here, what does this mean for the present?

Previous interviews with Steve Taylor

Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’

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