Thomas Sheridan – The Anvil of the Psyche: Part One
February 11, 2013
Author Thomas Sheridan on his latest book The Anvil of the Psyche in which he seeks to show us how...
Dave Gardner – Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth
February 04, 2013
Director Dave Gardner discusses his film GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. This ground-breaking documentary challenges our beliefs linking growth with prosperity...
Nafeez Ahmed – The Crisis of Civilization
January 28, 2013
Author and international security analyst Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed on The Crisis of Civilization. Dr Ahmed is author of A...
Harvey Molotch – Against Security
January 21, 2013
Sociologist Harvey Molotch on his book Against Security: How We Go Wrong at Airports, Subways, and Other Sites of Ambiguous...
Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Political, Economic and Social Agendas of Climate Change
January 14, 2013
Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the political, economic and social agendas surrounding the issue of climate change. The World is clearly...
Ben Dyson – Positive Money: A Simple Solution to the Debt Crisis
January 07, 2013
Ben Dyson of Positive Money on the problems caused by our debt-based monetary system and some of the solutions which...
Andy Duncan – The Myths and Mysteries of Modern Money
December 19, 2012
Andy Duncan on the myths and mysteries of modern money. Austerity, bailouts, base rates, interest rates, LIBOR rates, deficit, default,...
Douglas Carswell – The End of Politics and the Birth of iDemocracy
December 03, 2012
Douglas Carswell MP on his latest book The End of Politics and the Birth of iDemocracy. The West is in...
Shaun Chamberlin – Energy, Environment and the Shift to Sustainability
November 24, 2012
Shaun Chamberlin on the Transition Network and the shift to a sustainable society in response to Global environmental and energy...
Richard Grove – What We Can All Learn from John Taylor Gatto
November 17, 2012
Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope on the topic of compulsory public education and specifically the work of author and...