Luke Dodson and Greg Moffitt in conversation.
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The decline of industrial civilization in a welter of political, economic, social, and cultural ills is plain to see, even if most still deny it. But what’s behind the ‘wokification’ of history? The rise of populism in recent times has caused a crisis among so-called liberals and progressives, who feel that the comfortable world they took credit for building is being eroded by ‘racists’, ‘bigots’, and ‘fascists’. But if the underlying mythic structure of your worldview and ideology is based around the idea that Future = Good, and Past = Bad, cognitive dissonance will result. Simply put, in a world that is not conforming to the narrative of continuous Progress, the response from self-declared progressives has been to try to rewrite our past into the multicultural utopia that they wish to see realised. This will not end well. The war on reality cannot be won.
Other interviews with Luke Dodson
Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
I think we are in trouble since the future doesn’t look promising like it did in the 50’s. Looking to the past as a mythical time when things were perfect is what all despotic regime use to justify their existence. I think the term I heard Chris Hedges use to describe clinging on to the past as a way to escape the obvious decline is ¨Crisis cult¨. Maybe that’s why 80’s synth is so popular or that we remake movies over and over again. The western civilization is obviously falling apart. The left will blame the other side for being racist, bigots and fascist, while the right will blame the left for being decadent, immoral and fascists too. Personally, I’m non binary, I think both side are kinda right.
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