Home>Shows>Graham Phillips – The Mystery of Doggerland: Atlantis in the North Sea

Graham Phillips – The Mystery of Doggerland: Atlantis in the North Sea

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Graham Phillips and Greg Moffitt in conversation.

(Stream / download audio at bottom of page)

Taking Graham’s latest book The Mystery of Doggerland: Atlantis in the North Sea as a starting point, this is a wide-ranging chat covering a lot of ground. Topics discussed include:

  • Myths and legends of global floods and lost civilizations
  • Atlantis as a time rather than a place
  • Underwater ruins and what might lie deeper below the surface
  • Megalithic culture and memories of Atlantis
  • The illusion of progress and what ‘civilization’ really means
  • What the deep past can teach us about our future

Other interviews with Graham Phillips

Bumper music: Cliff Martinez ‘Traffic OST’
Black Sabbath ‘Stonehenge’

First half free - subscribe to hear the second half

Download this show (28MB)


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